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moving on - lost legacies

 for a long time i have had an ambition to develop a series of connected pieces . . . . . .  it seems the time has come: after completing hidden histories i remembered other items of childrens clothing i had, all made by my grandmothers, so i felt that the next project could involve one of these - then Ruth annnounced the next MM theme as Lost Legacies and that idea really appealed as a way to go with one of the items i feel i have only just touched on my paternal family history (with hidden histories) and this little baby chemise, made by my Cantin grand-mother for my older brother was the perfect starting point i felt it would be the right vehicle for expressing my feelings around how different my grandmothers lives were from each other and what i felt was the lost potential of women, which seems to be well illustrated by the life of my paternal grandmother, Marguerite MazouĂ©-Cantin again, i want to leave the chemise as intact as possible, so the next step was working out how . . .

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