still weaving

a bit of a progress report

indigo weave has had more detail added, i've added a plaited squiggle which echoes the curves of the quarter circle weaves, the plait is made from strips of fabric used in the piece

and further down
i'm happy with the way this one is going and think i will stop there until i decide how to back it

the blue weave has also had more embellishment and a couple more mini-weaves worked into it -

this one started as a simple weave, mainly in blue silks - but i dismantled it and converted it into a modified double weave and have been tweaking it since then - there is no "story" but the part i wanted to feature has faded into the background and i'm not sure how to bring back into the sun ..... i have some ideas and will get there

and i've added some stitch detail to the white weave:

i think this is coming along nicely and i'm taking my time with it


Marj said…
You have certainly been busy since last I took a look!! Do so love the white weave as it has a definite antique feel about it.
Jill Dian said…
Love this Eva.... in fact I love the whole Blog!


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