doodle doiley - next steps

i took a break and hung it on the wall for a while .... needed to think about what to do next - it looked disjointed .... a bit like a piece of scrap paper with a bunch of haphazard, unconnected doodles, which is pretty close to what it was really

it needed more but in a different way ..... it needed the separate elements to be integrated or brought together  - so i did some extending


         and linking .......

and now it feels better

so it's waiting around again for the next stage

it struck me that it is representative of my 'creative process' in that i do a bit then break off and do something else, then i come back ..... and so on until i feel happy with it - focused activity is not my strong point but that means that i can be more flexible and come back with fresh ideas

i'm noticing that the work  i feel happiest about is the stuff i take my time over and change direction with rather than sticking firmly to a plan because i feel i have to - plans are made to be changed .... especially by me


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