D2016 goes live

Marie Delavallet-Legrand, far left - Adelphe Delvallet, far left

at last i have managed to get my act together a bit and started the ball rolling for Delvallet 2016 - emails have gone out to family members, to be forwarded to their siblings, children and whoever - now i just wait for the reaction - i will have to come up with a different name for it, i'm sure something will come to mind

i think i should give some serious thought to where i hope to place the finished piece - possible locations so far are;
  • Aix Noulette - Adelphe's place of birth, 1881
  • Camiers - where he and his family lived
  • Herleville - the place where he died - although this is a debatable point as (to my knowledge) he was listed as missing in action and his remains have never been identified, Herleville is the location given in the army records
  • Necropole National de Rancourt - the largest french WW1 cemetry
but i might offer to make several smaller memorials if, for example, we have more than one family gathering it might be appropriate to have one for each reunion?  if i do that i think each memorial should include fabric from the whole family - maybe it should be in a form which allows it to be presented as one or several pieces - a long/branched garland or ladders of wrapped sticks like the ones here

much depends on how much fabric i receive - and i want to be flexible so that i can respond to any ideas which come up - so now i wait


Mo Crow said…
Jessica Perry made the ladder of memory sticks with the kids at Hevington Primary back in 2010
here's the link
Google image is a marvellous tool for finding the provenance of photos shared on the net
stickyfingers said…
thank you - i will update the post

i have also taken a good look at jessica's site and seen some of the wonderful work she does

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