summer in the garden
i'm finally surfacing from 7 weeks of bronchitis (??) and stepping out into the garden - when i can bear the heat - at the moment our (decorative) vine is flowering and heaving with bees - the humming is REALLY LOUD
you can't see or hear the bees in the photo but the green is really lush compared to the rest of the garden
the blackberries are cropping prolifically this year, they seem very early, we've been eating and picking them for at least 10 days already - i have cooked a load and sugared them, ready for the final boiling down to jam, but it's too hot to tackle in the day time and i haven't the energy either - but it will get done and we will be eating bramble jam on our lovely home made bread, scones and all for months (probably years knowing me!)
it's just good to be getting back to some normal bits of life after what seems like an eternity of brain fog ........ and the rest