sifting yorkshire
Feeling that I have made a good start with my felted contours, am now tackling the other features which contribute to my sense of yorkshire
As usual, there is so much to choose from - over the years images have piled up along with the experiences they recall - so selecting the key elements is now in progress
machinery for the industrial heritage

this one was part of the view from the caravan
As usual, there is so much to choose from - over the years images have piled up along with the experiences they recall - so selecting the key elements is now in progress
machinery for the industrial heritage

field patterns, which also look like the
dry stone walls, ìn and from the landscape
poppy seedheads, from our caravan site, these, the dry stone wall and lime keys speak to me of Elland
.... and moss on stone
..... and many more
then inspiration came from some work by Sian Martin - small bundles of scraps of images, skewered on wire, dotted across the landscape of felt
i don't need the whole images, a sense of them is enough...... an essence
so I prepared a fused organza and tissuetex background and printed the selection onto it, tore it up and made my bundles