holey moley stuff 1
first i made holes in lutradur
with a soldering iron
then i made holes in paper
here i used a blade and paper drill
here i stabbed, cut with a blade & paper drill,
started holes with a blade then tore
i wish i was better at doodling - this was a bit like doodling, i quite got into it but soon ran out of ideas - i think it's because i feel i have to do something original ..... but there's no rule that says it has to be, maybe i should have another go and not get concerned about originality
i used a napkin which had been used for mopping up acrylic paint, so it didn't disintegrate where there was a lot of paint
i've done this before with diferent types of paper & stitching, but i really liked the way the paint resisted the disintegration - and although i didn't like the colours much on the napkin they look better with bit missing