babymakers - coming together

with the body of the cage complete, i can now try puting the parts together and work out the best positions for all the additions:

    organdie flowers echoing the colours of some of the Mauritius flora, native and introduced: boucle d'oreille (the national flower), jacaranda, frangipani, flamboyant (flame tree), bougainvillae

sea shells and coral fragments, collected from a beach in Mauritus

swaddled infants, representing some of the generations of children

sewing equipment - a needle case for each of the "babymakers",
 scissors and thimble (when i remember where i stored them!)

and the whole thing from the front

i feel it needs a little more height, to give the chemise more clearance at the top and bottom, so will try another row of wirework at the bottom  


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