eco-dyeing again
yesterday i opened up the leaf-bundles which have been marinating for a couple of days - i was sooooooooo pleased with the results .....
this one is a silk & cotton leaf sandwich, with the silk outermost, tied with copper wire
this one is a silk & cotton leaf sandwich, with the silk outermost, tied with copper wire
and here's a bit of the silk while still wet i really like the marks left by the wire, the colours really glowed while they were still wet
this one is a piece of linen which had some rust dyeing and mould stains on it - the rust marks went black, there must be some chemical reason for that - the pic shows the leaves after it's been marinating - this one has some wonderful patterns on it, i'll show more when they are dry
i'm looking forward to finding ways of incorporating these into pieces of stitched textile, i hope to use some in the jude hill C2C course which starts tomorrow