digital doodling
the materials for Embroiderer's ledger are coming thick and fast, i'm not keeping up - but i am enjoying what i'm doing - already this class has me dipping into skills and techniques developed in other classes, encouraging me to apply them to this project
i have been enjoying abstracting shape and pattern from the source image - i struggled at first, trying to recreate too closely what i saw - it got easier when i let go a bit somehow and let the pencil wander without the source in front of me
once i had some sketches i liked i digitized them and have been adding colour and moving selections around in a digital version of the class exercises
i have been enjoying abstracting shape and pattern from the source image - i struggled at first, trying to recreate too closely what i saw - it got easier when i let go a bit somehow and let the pencil wander without the source in front of me
once i had some sketches i liked i digitized them and have been adding colour and moving selections around in a digital version of the class exercises
see a slideshow here |