toast & ghost

i meant to post these a while back

a pair of feral cats who decided to spend time with us in sussex - they had rather unusual markings
it became clear that they liked the shelter of our awning during the rain and eventually they took to us too - we felt very honoured and enjoyed their attention and company


liniecat said…
Golly yes very strange markings! But I doubt they are true ferals....(after years of cat rescue) I suspect they may have been dumped somewhen or other and now have to live 'wild'.
Or are from a local farm. Farmers are notorious for allowing cats to stay to rid the farm of vermin but not neutering them, so they interbreed amongst themselves.
that way mostly leads to short and unhealthy lives and frequently
Such a shame but so lovely that you gave these two attention and cover.
stickyfingers said…
not sure what you mean by "true feral" - these had no local owner, we checked, and lived permanently outdoors finding what food they could
liniecat said…
The really wild cats that would not allow you to touch them would be true feral. Not used to being handling or they've learnt to be scared and avoid handling at all cost. Many might once have been owned and had gotten lost or were dumped, then revert to feral instincts.
I always think your blessed when strays come visit lol
stickyfingers said…
i guess "true ferals" would have avoided the camp site altogether - these two pseudo ferals had realised that there were advantages to hanging around looking pretty .... plenty of easy pickings!

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