robin news B2/11

actually there's no news - mrs robin is still in residence, mr robin brings snacks - we can expect hatching in a couple of days

meanwhile good news on the human health front - my ticker is almost back to normal - i saw the consultant today and he says the latest MRI and Echo show that normal activity has resumed - the clots are all cleared up and the muscle is recovering - i'm still getting some pain and shortness of breath but he reassured me that this will improve as the muscle strengthens - so i am much relieved, especially as i also get to stop taking so many pills

very late addition (august 2017)
almost three years on and time for a bit of an update:

  • my follow up appointments, after discharge but before the above post, confirmed the diagnosis as stress induced cardiomyopathy/Takotsubo Syndrome
  • i have continued to experience chest pain of a different type - more of a sharp localised pain at the base of my sternum or to it's left, more like the pain i have intermittently experienced for decades identified as Tietze's syndrome/costochondritis
  • another episode of chest pain and shortness of breath, like the initial episode but milder, took me back to A&E in september 2016, this was dismissed as "reflux" to my disgust and disbelief - a few days later my own GP referred me to the Rapid Access Chest Clinic and further scans followed - not significant abnormality has shown up but i am not fully reassured and am taking things cautiously

 i have now found a support group, after hearing an item about Takotsubo on the radio - relieved to hear that my symptoms are not uncommon and that research is happening here and elsewhere


Mo Crow said…
hooray you'll be dancing the light fantastic again in no time!
stickyfingers said…
that would be great, but i might need a refresher course - a gentle walk to the pub would be a good start

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