m100 - more d49

a further burst of energy got all 9 squares for this block finished 
this was an easier way of working - i started with a square (cheesecloth bonded to cotton quilt wadding, washed with diluted gesso), placed leaves etc on it, mentally divided it into 9 smaller squares and added stitch to hold and embellish the applied leaves - starting with a unit was really helpful - and i worked on the three columns separately, stitching a unifying line through each with different details for the leaves  - unconsciously applying limits which made the choices easier

that worked so well for me that i will be trying it again, with variations of course - it's an approach which i have been shown before, as with all learning it takes time for it to sink in and be acted on


Debbie said…
This is delightful, I really like it.
stickyfingers said…
thank you, i like it too and will be following up on the idea

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