almost there

i have completed the bottom panel for Sense of Place work

inspired by the industries which grew from the landscape, like wool and textile manufacture,  as well as those which developed in response to industrialisation - all of which influenced the urban landscape

the top panel is still in progress - this holds references to our "second home" in Elland, the dry stone wall outside our window and everywhere across the landscape - and "black man's oatmeal", which is another story and makes me smile every time i see  cowparsley (thank you Tony, wherever you are!)

the tiny stitching on the flowers is a challenge, as has finding ways to represent the separate elements i wanted to include - i dithered and sampled to find a way to add a light colour infill, finally using very light washes for the background machinery and wall with hand coloured silk voile appliqué for the individual motifs - i went through several samples for the cowparsley, none of which was satisfactory, being too thick and clunky - the final option was split stitch with 2 very fine, variegated silk threads twisted together - this achieved the colour i wanted as well as the fine stitch and improved my split stitch technique no end!


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